White Label Member

Member details

Professional Accounting Administration Panel

Brand and create your white label accounting software, create and manage clients, subscription accounts. Create subscriptions on the fly with 100% control on the branding. Manage and control the subscriptions from a central admin account. Comes with a robust ticketing system to provide end user support.

SoftDrive technology a BFIN accounting technology product

Developed and managed by the group BFIN GROUP PLC and its subsidiaries since 2004 [PLC, LTD, SASU, Pvt Ltd] with offices in Europe, British Commonwealth and Asia.

White Label Member

As an Independent Professional building and developing your own brand, and as the soft drive platform displays only the member’s logo, with no boundary limits, no purchase limit, access limit or usage, no marketing restrictions to capture you own niche market, with unlimited features and transaction ensuring your independence with a high level supported products.

Our pricing policy

All unit Prices displayed on the web are market recommended prices. Normally we pegged wholesale prices equally for £, $, € for those member wanting to use either currency to purchase and ensure market competitiveness advantages. Also wholesale prices available per country, fixed to ensure local stability and competitively. View the global pricing pages and search for you unique wholesale country price.

The most effective way to be competitive

Is to control your operational cost and adjust your prices to the market’s acceptance level, attaching your value. Our fixed wholesale software prices facilitate that with a standard inscription annual membership fee of 108£$€ per year facilitating software prices of 1£$€ per accounting software monthly and 2£$€ per payroll software monthly. Members top up at 50£$€ a time and software packs created by members are debited to the members account. Not forgetting members brand their software to their dedicated brand. The members admin panel has the technical ability to do this.

We can assist you

As you may use the soft drive – technology label freely,and still remain white label. Softdrive white label products is distributes by each professional members using their own brand name uniquely. We supply the cloud software, technical support, up grades, new improvements continued, and new products. We do not compete or engage in marketing for white label partners, and do keep all members detail confidential.

Our contract is open

We build relations with top service and quality products with continued support. We do not need paper to tie our clients down to fixed terms.

Join and leave when you want? You can transfer your softdrive clients or sell your business, no fees to pay.

Demo model

Demo model viewing access : A quick view of the software demo so you can look at the interface and browse around as you want.

For a demonstration personal send us a request on Skype to bfin.ltd


User name : whitelabeldemo

Password : 1234



Two options : Standard member or Committed member

As a standard member – Standard prices with a monthly inscription of 5$£€. Buy 50 at 2.00$£€ per unit monthly.

or Committed member

Pay 25$£€ monthly with pricing and service benefits to help you develop your brand with dedicated features. Buy 50 at 1.00 $£€ per software unit per month. Save up to 50% on additional services.


Member pricing some points.

Standard member Administration panel 5$£€ monthly.

-standard prices, may upgrade anytime.

Committed member ; Administration panel 25$£€ monthly.

-benefits on prices and services

-3 Year subscription discounted to 795$£€(645) with additional services offered.

Administration panel allows dedicated software branding and prices for members to develop own brands and add value to their services. The administration panel has additional features.

Members outside the zone $£€ may select the currency advantage and pay in that currency. This selection once selected, cannot be altered. members with $£€ in their location, must use their country’s currency.